Saturday, October 15, 2011 0 responds

4th Quarter of the year

HOLA! I'm back! Miss me?

Sunday, July 10, 2011 1 responds

The word "Fuck"

The word "Fuck" you say everyday, is not vulgar word. It actually represents a lot of terms. Today I shall teach you about the word "Fuck".

Oh Fuck!!
It actually means "Oh My God"

Fuck Off
It actually means please leave.

Fuck it
It actually means I'm lazy.

Go fuck yourself
It actually means please go masturbate

What the fuck?
It actually means what the hell?

Shut the fuck up!
It actually means keep quite.

I don't give a fuck
It actually means I don't care.

Fuck you!
It means Fuck you!

So have you learned a word today? Fuck the fucking fuckers. 

Peace out.

Monday, July 4, 2011 0 responds


Well, according to Wikipedia, tax is to impose a financial charge or other levy upon a taxpayer by a state or the functional equivalent of a state such that failure to pay is punishable by law. To sum it up, pay tax or go jail.

Why am I talking about tax? Because tomorrow is TAXATION test!!!

This will be me if I don't study!

Why do we study tax? So that we can learn ways to pay lesser tax and become richer! Hahaha.

Robert Kiyosaki always says the rich always pay lesser tax than the poor. That is why the poor is getting poorer while the rich is getting richer. All because the rich are financially educated. 

Robert Kiyosaki with his Rich Dad Poor Dad

Middle class people are shrinking because most of them lack of financial education, which I think is important to be able to master the art of money. If a person is able to master how money works, then he/she will be able to achieve financial freedom.

What about you? Do you have adequate financial education? Or are you just like other people who live out their daily routine and pay your bills at the end of the month? 

Cheers :)

p.s. I should really study TAX for the test tomorrow :/

0 responds


Hey guys! It's me again!

Nothing special. I guess it's time for me to update my blog. Someone complain being my no1 fans but never get to see my update.

July oh July. It practically means that half of 2011 has passed. It's so soon that i can't even comprehend with.

Started working on Saturday's and Sunday's now. One utama, d@mobile, selling handphones :) Fond me for lunch ok?

"man have to be hardworking to earn a lot of money". Thanks bro, I know that's how it works in this world. I'm not a girl, Bo Bian :/ hahaha

I can feel that something good is coming up soon. Whatever it is, I won't just sit and wait for it.

Assignments and tests are piling up. Everything is on within coming two weeks. Gonna be damn hectic for July. August will be my finals too! No time to catch a breathe.

Cut down on games and alcohol will be something I aim to do this month. Earn and save money for something important in august. XD

Mammy <3
Sunday, June 26, 2011 0 responds

我凭什么? 我没资格!


Friday, June 24, 2011 0 responds

Thank you, now I know

Hello! It's time to intoxicate myself again! Nah I'm just kidding. I did not input any alcohol into my body before blogging today.

A valuable lesson was taught to me today. No other than a close friend of mine, who see me more than I see myself. So many things to say, I don't know where to begin. So I'll just start randomly.

I've been escaping from my "reality" for way too long. I'm not courageous enough to face myself. I did not think of this before. I always thought, knowing them is enough. I can now tell myself, no, it's not. It's never enough to just KNOW, but rather ADMIT is more important. I should really admit all my weaknesses to overcome them, and also overcome my current situation.

I'm a person, who only searches for feelings. Not in terms of relationship of course. A few feelings, that I myself did not know I actually are searching for them, until I was told.

Now you may be wondering what the fuck I'm talking about. Let me tell you my story. I'm searching for the feeling of WINNING. Now you will think, ain't everybody's searching for that? Well, more or less it's true. But the WIN feeling I'm talking about, isn't the normal win feeling. My definition of the win feeling, is when I feel that I won, instead of defined by other people. To put it simple, it is only winning if I think it is, not other people telling my I won. Complicated much? Kind of.

I also search for the feeling of owning something. Most people wants something (in terms of material) for lifestyle, for comfort, or anything. But I want them because I want to enhance the feeling I get from what I do. Yeah, it's better to flirt in a genuine BMW instead of a Buatan Malaysia Wira. Now I know, this is the "why" I want something in terms of materials.

I've been caring about others too much that I forget that I should care for myself. I've always been careful of what I say, not because I care about what people think of me, but it's because I care about how they feel/react if I say certain things. I've been always like this, not able to be the very ME. It's time to change for that. Not that I don't give a damn, but I'll give less a damn.

A sentence, kind of "enlighten" me in a way. You still do not know who you will become tomorrow. "你还不知道明天的你是怎样的你" Everyday I can become a different person, not in a weird way of course, but in a better way.

I have to be courageous enough, to admit, and move on.

Ignore the "run like hell" 

Time to catch up what I left out for the past 2 years. 

Thank you. 
Thursday, June 23, 2011 2 responds

3 days in a row

Damn. 3 days in a row at Beer Factory. I can really "punch card" at there soon. I even posted "I should really quit drinking" recently in Facebook, but the situation seems to be worsen.

This few days, not really been in a good mood. All because I saw some of her tweet, mentioning it's gonna be their 2nd month anniversary. I really thought that it'll be just fine. But it didn't.

Really thought that it'll be over, I can let go, move on, get my own new life. It ALMOST went well until I met her again the other day. Instant, every effort I made to let go seems worthless. All the heart warming moments flash into my mind instantly. Then for 5 seconds, I couldn't react. I even walked away when she said "Hi". I do not know how to respond. Well, I did apologize to her the day after.

Browsing over my own profile pictures, and I found this. I think it's taken around 3 years ago? Couldn't recall. Didn't realize I still keep a picture of her. Damn I was skinny. *admiring self*

And now, it has come to this.

The guy beside her, not me anymore. What can I say? Move on? Told myself N times of that. Let go? Told my self NN times of that. Forget her? Told myself NNN times of that. All didn't work. 

Keep myself busy, try not to think of her, didn't really work at all. The reason I wanna quit alcohol because it makes me think about her again and again. Couldn't control :/

Now I feel like I'm Mark Zuckerberg (Founder of Facebook), blog about a girl while he's drunk. *I'm not at the moment*. The difference is, I'm not creating Facemash that allows you to rate girls, and I'm not really bitching bout the girl. Oh ya, I also didn't create Facebook. 

Oh ya! Forget to mention that I learned a new word today! 

Dipsomania - Refers to an insatiable craving for alcoholic beverages.
(I might be dipsomania at times)

I pretty much sum up what I should really really do to unstuck myself with this situation. 
- Control my emotions, instead of letting my emotions controlling me.
- Be more mature, let go and wish them happy.
- Move on

Sounds familiar? Pretty much. Haha! 

Don't think I'll get to quit alcohol in the near future. One of the reasons that gave me the opportunity to know more people. Not just normal people, but great people, full of exciting life experiences, and are willing to share them.

I mean, what are the chances you get to meet YOUNG and SUCCESSFUL entrepreneurs? I met 2 now in my life, and I know that I will know more of them. Those life experiences they talk about, the way they see life, is totally different from us, the "lower-level" person I would say. And they have control over their life. Do you have control over your life? 

Learn so much from them, and I guess I need to apply them like, NOW! 

First step - Get enough sleep.

Night peeps

Heartbreaking moments are over. Now it's time to achieve!
Sunday, June 19, 2011 3 responds

Friends? Strangers?

So many friends are turning 21 this year. Well it makes sense since I've turned 21 this year too.

Attend 2 birthday parties yesterday. One is primary schoolmate, whom I've never seen him for so long. Studying in NTU in Singapore now. Another is secondary schoolmate, whom I always DotA with all the time. Splendid parties, simple yet fun. Fun to catch up with mates I never meet for long period. Getting to know what they're doing, how they're doing. (:

beware of strangers -.-

Talking bout Facebook, it's amazing how you can meet people randomly all the time. There's always a saying from your parents, "don't simply talk to STRANGERS". Now this got me thinking, don't friends start off as strangers? 

It's funny when we're told not to talk to strangers. If so, how do we make friends? Everyone started off as strangers don't we? Even couples, they don't really start off as friends. Well, just saying.

It's amazing how Facebook link us together, the world seems so small with it. You'll realize that I know you, you know him, he knows her, she knows me, this phenomena. This chain of friendship, without Facebook, you might not be able to realize it.

So what are friends for? What kind of meaning does the term "friends" hold to you? Still remember how you met you friends? The crazy things you did, the best moments you shared, how he scratches your back and you scratches his. 

Good friends are hard to find. Appreciate them before you lose out. (:

I would still love to meet more friends, different people from around the world, listen to their stories. Do you have a story to tell?

Friday, June 17, 2011 0 responds

Financial Accounting?

So seriously what the hell. Financial Accounting test in less than 3 hours later, and I don't think I've finished studying the whole thing. Well, whatever.

Like seriously, why should be memorize the formula, when Google can actually answer all those things? Can't the education system change along the improvement of technology?

Shouldn't the test be done in computer as in future IF we do work as accountants there'll be software assisting us along the way? We do need the foundation of accounting, but all the while, the format is the same. Shouldn't we focus more on our future instead of staying back with the foundation? Boring~

No, seriously, with Google, you can just search on the format of Statement of Financial Position with just few clicks away. Same goes to how to calculate Margin and Markup. There's even calculators for it. So why the hassle of bringing the calculator, which reminds me I should really remember to bring it later.

And I don't understand why there's few different terms for the same thing. Accounting is confusing enough for me, and yet more terms are created to confuse me more! Seriously what the hell? (Kind of like promoting Avril Lavigne's song).

Ahh! Money and time is wasted to study for 1 stupid test. Luckily a good bro Ken Zen accompanied me through the whole shit while studying for his own CAT exam this Saturday. Not to mention Jackson who's got nothing related to this were there too. Thanks bros. Appreciate much!

I think my head will grow bald soon too!

Peace out!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011 1 responds

Great Evening

It was an unexpected evening for me. Woke up at 3, wondering who's free to have breakfast with me!

With a reply from Deepak, as he and I woke up around the same time, haven't had any food in our stomach, we hang out at a mamak nearby.

Surprised, he is a completely different person since last time. He has become so matured that I don't know him anymore. It's good news for him, as bright future will shine up upon him.

Our conversations were simple. It's about what we're doing for our future. It makes me realize that many of us are not exposed enough to the world. We are limited to what we see in our daily life. I'm considered lucky enough to be exposed a bit more than the usual, but there's a lot more to see in this world.

A great tea session, whereby I learned a lot of stuffs again today.

This is the great guy I'm talking about. Deepak Konasaigran

What do you know? An average student who's blessed to be exposed to much more stuffs compared to me.

Cheers bro. We shall achieve!
Saturday, June 4, 2011 0 responds

Bonanza 2011!!!!!

Guess what? We are back with a surprise that will blast you out of your mind! The Bonanza Blast is here and ready to reward you for doing what you do best - promoting products and growing your network. Also, be doubly rewarded for growing your network quickly and professionally with the Early Bird Bonanza Bonus!

Simply meet the criteria within the Bonanza period to be eligible for super special bonuses – the RM 1,200 per Bonanza Share, four (4) ways to earn additional Bonanza Shares by helping your network, and the Early Bird Bonanza Bonus – all included in the QNet 2 2011 Bonanza Blast incentive!

Don’t forget! The rewards do not stop here! Not only will you gain financial rewards, you will also be rewarded with personal gain from necessary first-hand experience in making your network stronger!

Bonanza Extravaganza Rewards!


Effective from Saturday, 4 June 2011 00:01 HKST until Friday, 2 September 2011 23:59 HKST.

For you to be eligible for one (1) share, you must meet the following criteria:
1.      Generate 1000 BV personal Business Volume (equivalent to 1 CUV), either through a retail sale OR your own purchase of a product; AND
2.      Get three (3) NEW Direct Referrals who enrol and qualify within the incentive period, and ensure that two (2) of those referrals activate within the incentive period.
3.      Generate 30 BV personal Business Volume (equivalent to 0.03 CUV) on Qnet2 consumable products either through a retail sale OR your own purchase.
Help your network to grow and GET ADDITIONAL BONANZA SHARE/S as your reward by meeting one of the criteria below at any time throughout the entire Bonanza period, including the Early Bird period:
1.      Get an additional 0.5 bonus share when you help one of your new Direct Referrals qualify for one (1) share.
2.      Get another 1.5 bonus share when you help another new Direct Referral to qualify for one (1) share.
3.      Get an additional 1 bonus share when you help one of your new Indirect Referrals to qualify for one (1) share.
4.      Get another 1 bonus share when you help another new Indirect Referral to qualify for one (1) share.

Achieve early to gain more!
QNet gives an additional bonus for early birds from Saturday, 4th June 2011, 00:01 HKST – Friday, 8th July 2011, 23:59 HKST! And what’s more, the criterion for earning a Share is easier during the Early Bird period!
1.       Generate 1000 BV  personal Business Volume (equivalent to 1 CUV), either through a retail sale OR your own purchase of a product; AND
2.      Get TWO (2) NEW Direct Referrals who enrol and qualify and activate within the Early Bird period.
3.      Generate 30 BV, personal Business Volume (equivalent to 0.03 CUV) on Qnet2 consumable products either through a retail sale OR your own purchase.


If you meet this criteria for a Share during the Early Bird period of 4th June  – 8 July2011, 23:59 HKST, you’ll receive an Early Bird Bonanza Bonus of MYR500 on top of the amount you get for your share at the end of the incentive programme!

Note: You will receive a one-time bonus of MYR500 regardless of the number of shares that you are able to achieve during the Early Bird period.

Important Notes:
  • The maximum number of Bonanza Shares per IR is five (5).
  • The Bonanza Share is guaranteed at MYR500 per share.
  •  Enrol means completing the registration process and receiving a confirmation.
  •  Qualify means
a)      Generating a minimum 1000 BV personal Business Volume (equivalent to 1 CUV) by either selling a product to a retail customer or making a personal purchase: AND
b)      Generate 30 BV, personal Business Volume (equivalent to 0.03 CUV) on Qnet2 consumable products either through a retail sale OR your own purchase
  • Activate means having a minimum of one (1) qualified Direct Referral placed under each side (Left and Right) of any of your Tracking Centres (TC). However, activation by a triple-header purchase is NOT allowed.

    Terms & Conditions  
The Bonanza Extravaganza incentive programme is effective from Saturday, 4th June 2011 00:01 HKST until Friday, 2nd  2011 September 23:59 HKST.

1.       The Early Bird Bonanza Bonus is applicable only for criteria met before Friday, 8th July 2011 23:59 HKST, and will result in a one-time bonus of MYR500 per IR (not per share).

2.       Criteria for one (1) Bonanza Share is to:

a.       Generate 1000 BV personal Business Volume (equivalent to 1 CUV), either through a retail sale OR your own purchase of a product; AND

b.      Enrol and qualify three (3) NEW Direct Referrals and activate two (2) of them, all within the incentive programme period.

c.       Generate 30 BV, personal Business Volume (equivalent to 0.03CUV) on Qnet2 consumable products either through a retail sale OR your own purchase.

3.       Each Bonanza Share will be worth a guaranteed MYR500, with a maximum limit of five (5) shares per IR, provided the criterion is met for each Bonanza Share.

4.       To meet the criteria for a share within the Early Bird Bonanza Bonus period, an IRs must:

a.       Generate 1000 BV personal Business Volume (equivalent to 1 CUV), either through a retail sale OR your own purchase of a product within the Early Bird period; AND

b.      Get two (2) NEW Direct Referrals, both qualified & activated within the Early Bird period.

c.       Generate 30 BV, personal Business Volume (equivalent to 0.03CUV) on Qnet2 consumable products either through a retail sale OR your own purchase.

5.       IRs who enrolled previously are eligible if they qualify and activate within the incentive programme period.

6.    The 1000 BV one generated, either through a retail sale OR your own purchase of a product must be allocated into your TC within the incentive programme period.

7.       Any change of referrer is NOT allowed.

8.       Activation of Direct Referrals / 2nd level referrals involving BV reallocation, BV transfer and rectification of retail purchase BV is NOT allowed.
9.       Activation of Direct Referrals/ 2nd level referrals involving placement change is NOT allowed.

10.   Generating BV from BV transfer / rectification of retail purchase BV is NOT allowed.

11.   Duplication of TCs is NOT allowed and might lead to forfeiture of an IR’s Bonanza Share/s.

12.   QNet Malaysia local plans IRs are eligible for this incentive programme, and the pay-out will be paid in Malaysian Ringgit).

13.   Share earners in the incentive programme will be contacted by QNet NSG, so please ensure that your contact details are up-to-date. Should QNet not receive any response from the share earners or fail to contact the share earners before 1 December 2011, the share will be forfeited.

14.   All share earners and bonus earners will be announced in the Virtual Office and through the QNet Blog.

15.   QNet reserves the right to the final interpretation of the incentive programme criteria and the subsequent release of the share and associated bonuses.

16.   QNet reserves the right to modify the Terms & Conditions without giving prior notice.
0 responds


Testing from iPad 2.. Hehe
Sunday, May 29, 2011 0 responds

Shangri-la Hotel, Lemon Garden Cafe

Lovely Saturday afternoon, went for buffet lunch with my aunt and my grandma. Venue: As mentioned above, Shangri-la Hotel. Let the pictures do the talking? 

Lemon Garden Cafe

Sushi and Sashimi

Chinese Cuisine

Scallop, Oyster, Tiger prawn

And Coffee~

Per person 85++, 12pm - 4pm. Fantastic environment :-)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 2 responds


Fact 1 : I'm useless.

Fact 2 : I'll change Fact 1

Fact 3 : It won't happen in 1 day.

Fact 4 : It'll happen in 1 year.

Fact 5 : This will totally happen.
Monday, May 23, 2011 0 responds

Brand New Start!

You see, someone's been complaining about my blog being too emo. Well I admit that, so I decided to remove all those unnecessary blog posts which are irrelevant to my life now.

Went for leg massage few days ago. It was a real great experience. Would really like to try full body massage one day!

My legs! 

Buahaha. I can feel that my iPad 2 is reaching. Can't wait to put my hands on them.

Anyway, I've decided to work harder on my studies this semester onwards. After all, it's being paid and I should get something in return.

Short post this time. Not much to say at 5am~ Ciaos (:
Friday, May 20, 2011 1 responds

3 Guys and a Bar

As the title mentioned, 3 guys and a bar. Well, to be exact, 3 LONELY guys and a bar. Hahaha.

Lonely Guy 1 (Me)

Lonely Guy 2 ( Yoo )

Lonely Guy 3 ( Andy )

Initially the plan was to go cyber cafe and pawn a few people before we head to movies. But in the end, it rained cats and dogs so we head to Pavilion instead. Bought 3 tickets for Thor.


Wasn't as good as I expected. Not really worth watching.

With such, I end my post (:
