Sunday, July 10, 2011 1 responds

The word "Fuck"

The word "Fuck" you say everyday, is not vulgar word. It actually represents a lot of terms. Today I shall teach you about the word "Fuck".

Oh Fuck!!
It actually means "Oh My God"

Fuck Off
It actually means please leave.

Fuck it
It actually means I'm lazy.

Go fuck yourself
It actually means please go masturbate

What the fuck?
It actually means what the hell?

Shut the fuck up!
It actually means keep quite.

I don't give a fuck
It actually means I don't care.

Fuck you!
It means Fuck you!

So have you learned a word today? Fuck the fucking fuckers. 

Peace out.

Monday, July 4, 2011 0 responds


Well, according to Wikipedia, tax is to impose a financial charge or other levy upon a taxpayer by a state or the functional equivalent of a state such that failure to pay is punishable by law. To sum it up, pay tax or go jail.

Why am I talking about tax? Because tomorrow is TAXATION test!!!

This will be me if I don't study!

Why do we study tax? So that we can learn ways to pay lesser tax and become richer! Hahaha.

Robert Kiyosaki always says the rich always pay lesser tax than the poor. That is why the poor is getting poorer while the rich is getting richer. All because the rich are financially educated. 

Robert Kiyosaki with his Rich Dad Poor Dad

Middle class people are shrinking because most of them lack of financial education, which I think is important to be able to master the art of money. If a person is able to master how money works, then he/she will be able to achieve financial freedom.

What about you? Do you have adequate financial education? Or are you just like other people who live out their daily routine and pay your bills at the end of the month? 

Cheers :)

p.s. I should really study TAX for the test tomorrow :/

0 responds


Hey guys! It's me again!

Nothing special. I guess it's time for me to update my blog. Someone complain being my no1 fans but never get to see my update.

July oh July. It practically means that half of 2011 has passed. It's so soon that i can't even comprehend with.

Started working on Saturday's and Sunday's now. One utama, d@mobile, selling handphones :) Fond me for lunch ok?

"man have to be hardworking to earn a lot of money". Thanks bro, I know that's how it works in this world. I'm not a girl, Bo Bian :/ hahaha

I can feel that something good is coming up soon. Whatever it is, I won't just sit and wait for it.

Assignments and tests are piling up. Everything is on within coming two weeks. Gonna be damn hectic for July. August will be my finals too! No time to catch a breathe.

Cut down on games and alcohol will be something I aim to do this month. Earn and save money for something important in august. XD

Mammy <3